File reappears after deleting it
Applies to
- The file is deleted from the file system; however, after refreshing, the file reappears.
- There are not any corresponding locks to be identified from command of
vserver locks show
orcifs session file show
. - Sectrace collected for Client IP shows, no reson of
"Access is denied because a delete is pending on this object".
Cluster::> vserver security trace trace-result show -vserver XXXX
Vserver: XXXX
Node Index Filter Details Reason
--------------- ----- -------------------------- ------------------------------
Node1 1 Security Style: - Access is allowed because explicit ACE grants requested access while creating the directory.
Protocol: cifs
Volume: -
Share: test
Path: /test/folder
Win-User: Domain\username
UNIX-User: root
Session-ID: 1664080010000003555
- Packet trace shows STATUS_DELETE_PENDING while accessing the file.
Number Date Source Destination Protocol Info
223727 2020-05-12 10.216.xx.xx SMB2 Create Request File: \test\a.txt
223744 2020-05-12 10.216.xx.xx SMB2 Create Response, Error: STATUS_DELETE_PENDING