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NetApp Knowledge Base

High latency is seen during SVM DR initialization

Last Updated:

Applies to

  • ONTAP 9
  • SVM DR
  • Performance


  • SVM DR snapmirror initialization is started
  • Some time later it is noted that VMs are not responding and high latency is seen on ESXi servers
  • QOS statistics indicate that most of the latency is due to disk

cluster::> qos statistics volume latency show -vserver svm_lv_esx -volume LV_ESX_01
Workload            ID    Latency    Network    Cluster       Data       Disk    QoS Max    QoS Min      NVRAM      Cloud  FlexCache    SM Sync         VA
--------------- ------ ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
-total-              -    23.71ms    81.00us    44.00us     5.56ms    18.01ms        0ms        0ms    12.00us        0ms        0ms        0ms        0ms
LV_ESX_01-wid..  57540   100.60ms    65.00us        0ms   208.00us   100.33ms        0ms        0ms     2.00us        0ms        0ms        0ms        0ms
-total-              -    18.64ms    81.00us    56.00us     4.75ms    13.74ms        0ms        0ms    15.00us        0ms        0ms        0ms        0ms
LV_ESX_01-wid..  57540    73.35ms   207.00us        0ms   114.00us    73.02ms        0ms        0ms    14.00us        0ms        0ms        0ms        0ms

  • Disk statistics are reviewed to find that all disks are 100% utilized with mostly reads

cluster::> system node run -node <node>

node> statit -b

(wait a 30 seconds)

node> statit -e

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