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NetApp Knowledge Base

Spare disk disappears after disk failure

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  • Before disk failure the disk was showing in the spare pool

Pool0 spare disks

RAID Disk    Device      HA  SHELF
                                   BAY CHAN Pool Type  RPM  Used (MB/blks)    Phys (MB/blks)
---------    ------      ------------- ---- ---- ---- ----- ----------------------------
Spare disks for block checksum
spare       0a.01.20    0a    1   20  SA:A   0   SAS 10000 1142352/2339537408 1144641/2344225968

  • After disk failure the disk disappeared from the spare pool

Pool0 spare disks (empty)

Broken disks

RAID Disk       Device          HA  SHELF BAY CHAN Pool Type  RPM  Used (MB/blks)    Phys (MB/blks)
---------       ------          ------------- ---- ---- ---- ----- --------------    --------------
admin failed    0b.00.16P2       0b    0   9   SA:A   0   SAS 10000 55176/113000448   55184/113016832 (fast zeroed)
admin failed    0b.00.16P1       0b    0   9   SA:A   0   SAS 10000 1658310/3396220416 1658318/3396236800 (fast zeroed)
admin failed    0b.00.16         0b    0   9   SA:A   0   SAS 10000 1713523/3509295616 1716957/3516328368

  • Partitions do not show an owner:

ADPv2: storage disk show -fields "owner,root-owner,data1-owner,data2-owner"
disk   owner    data1-owner data2-owner root-owner
------ -------- ----------- ----------- ----------
1.10.6 node1    -           -           -

ADPv1: storage disk show -fields "owner,root-owner,data-owner"

disk   owner    root-owner data-owner
------ -------- ----------- ----------
1.10.6 node1               -        


  • disk options  show disk auto-assign setting is off

storage disk option show

Node   BKg. FW. Upd.  Auto Copy   Auto Assign   Auto Assign Policy
-----  --------       ---------   ------------  ------------------
node1  on             on          off           stack
node2  on             on          off           bay
node3  on             on          off           bay



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