Reallocation process stopped: relocation.nospaceSnap error
Applies to
- ONTAP 9+
- Clustered ONTAP 8
- Reallocation stopped because there is insufficient snapshot free space.
- When reallocation for a volume is started it stops with an error insufficient snapshot free space immediately or after running for a while.
Thu Mar 12 01:47:32 IST [Node-Name: scan_frag_measure_wkr: wafl.reallocate.check.high:info]: Allocation check on 'volume-name' is 2, hotspot 25 (threshold 4), so will reallocate. Thu Mar 12 01:47:33 IST [Node-Name: wafl_exempt07: wafl.scan.relocation.nospaceSnap:error]: Reallocate scan for volume volume-name has stopped because there is insufficient snapshot free space.