How to configure SNMP monitoring on DATA ONTAP
Applies to
- Clustered Data ONTAP 8
Note: See the following for managing SNMP in newer versions of ONTAP: Command for managing SNMP
- A brief introduction of Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) and SNMP traps in clustered Data ONTAP.
- How to use SNMP to get information from C-Mode cluster systems?
- How to configure SNMP traps and receive events on the desired clients?
Note: Refer to the following TR-Guide - SNMP Support in Data ONTAP
The purpose of this report is to help customers and NetApp field teams to understand the level of SNMP support in Clustered Data ONTAP 8.2.x, 8.3.x, and ONTAP 9. It also compares the OID availability for both 7-mode and Cluster mode. It provides information at the individual table or group level only. The netapp.mib file provides additional information about the various fields or variables supported within a table or group. A MIB browser tool like iReasoning can be used to easily interpret the contents of the netapp.mib
SNMP is a widely used network monitoring and control protocol. Data is passed from SNMP agents, which are hardware and/or software processes reporting activity in each network device (hub, router, or bridge) to the workstation console used to oversee the network. The agents return information contained in a Management Information Base (MIB), which is a data structure that defines what is obtainable from the device and what can be controlled (turned off or on). Originating in the UNIX community, SNMP has become widely used on all major platforms.
MIBs describe the structure of the management data of a device subsystem; they use a hierarchical namespace containing object identifiers (OID). Each OID identifies a variable that can be read or set via SNMP.
Note: NetApp does not support snmp-set operations. Also, SNMP-support is only cluster-wide and is not vserverized. However, this will be done in releases after 8.1 and is different from 7G vfilers, as snmp-support was never vfilerized.
Enabling/Disabling SNMPs:
The SNMP protocol can be enabled and disabled on a cluster using CLIs/ZAPIs:
- Enabling SNMP on a cluster using CLI - From ngsh, run
options-option-name snmp.enable-option-value
on - Disabling SNMP on a cluster using CLI - From ngsh, run
options-option-name snmp.enable-option-value
off - Enabling SNMP on a cluster using ZAPI - Using ontapi or zexplore.exe, run the
API snmp-enable
- Disabling SNMP on a cluster using ZAPI - Using ontapi or zexplore.exe, run the
API snmp-disable
Example:$> ontapi snmp-[en|dis]able
Note: SNMP protocol can be enabled or disabled only cluster-wide. SNMP to an individual node in a cluster is not possible in Data ONTAP 8.1 C-Mode .
7G-like SNMP UI:
The Data ONTAP C-Mode leverages a bunch of UIs (CLIs and ZAPIs) to configure the SNMP details on the cluster. Given below is a brief on each CLI that helps configure SNMP on a clustered system:
snmp contact:
View or modify the contact detailssnmp location:
View or modify the location detailssnmp init:
Enables or disables traps sent out from the cluster [1-> enabled, 0->disabled]snmp authtrap:
Enables or disables authenticationFailure traps [1->enabled,0->disabled]snmp community add|delete:
To view, add or delete the communities in the cluster, there will be a default 'public' community which is ro.- Note: Only readonly communities are supported. Also, in order to delete the first snmp community entry, the user needs to delete the traphost that is used for notification purposes.
snmp traphost add|delete:
To view, add or delete the traphosts in the cluster, all the traps (or events) that occur in the cluster are sent to these hosts when the hosts are runningsnmptrapd
options snmp.enable:
Enables or disables snmp protocol on the cluster [on=>enabled, off=>disabled]
The following is a brief on each ZAPI that helps configure SNMP on a clustered Data ONTAP system:
Enables the snmp protocol on the clustersnmp-disable:
Disables the snmp protocol on the clustersnmp-trap-enable:
Enables traps being sent out to the traphostssnmp-trap-disable:
Disables traps being sent out to the traphostssnmp-community-add:
Adds the snmp community. Only ro communities are supported in Data ONTAP 8.1 C-Modesnmp-community-delete:
Deletes an existing communitysnmp-traphost-add:
Adds a traphostsnmp-traphost-delete:
Deletes an existing traphostsnmp-status:
Gives the details of the snmp configuration on the cluster (Such as location, contact, traps, traphosts, communities details)snmp-get:
Reads the object value when a OID is given as input to the API (Similar to snmpget unix utility)snmp-get-next:
Reads the value of the object next to what is given as OID (Similar to snmpgetnext unix utility)Add/modify/view contact:
The contact and location details of the cluster can be added or modified using snmp CLI. There is no corresponding API for modifying the contact or location details. However, the cluster details can be read (cannot be modified using snmp or ZAPI) using snmp[walk|get|getnext] (or) snmp-status
Add/Modify using CLI :
Read using ZAPI call :
$> ontapi -x snmp-status
Read using snmp calls :
$> snmpwalk -c public -v [1|2c]
How to configure snmpv3 on C-Mode systems:
- Create an snmpv3 user on the cluster using the security login create CLI.
- Enter the EngineID (use the local EngineID, which is taken as default).
- Enter the auth protocol and enter the password for the specified snmpv3 user.
- Run the
to the snmpv3 user, by specifying -v 3 and providing user credentials.
The appendix section in the PDF gives an example of how to create an snmpv3 user and run SNMP utilities
to the user.
SNMP Traps:
Asynchronous notification from the agent to manager: This includes current sysUpTime value, an OID identifying the type of trap, and optional variable bindings. Destination addressing for traps is determined in an application-specific manner, typically through trap configuration variables in the MIB. The format of the trap message was changed in SNMPv2 and the PDU was renamed SNMPv2-Trap.
SNMP and its traps in 7-Mode and C-Mode Data ONTAP:
Standard SNMP traps:
There are 5 standard SNMP traps, as per RFC 1215:
- linkDown - This trap is generated on bringing down the active physical port, which is up (the ifAdminStatus should be changed from up to down/ The ifindex number information is not included in the trap message. )
- linkUp - This trap will be generated when you bring up the physical port which is down (the ifAdminStatus should be changed from down to up/The ifindex number information is not included in the trap message. )
- warmStart - A warmstart trap is generated when you do a normal reboot
- coldStart - A coldStart trap signifies that the sending protocol entity is reinitializing itself in such a way that the agent's configuration or the protocol entity implementation may be altered
- authenticationFailure - An authenticationFailure trap is generated when a user is trying to log in to the system using incorrect privileges
NetApp-built-in SNMP traps:
NetApp has a large number of built-in traps for the convenience of SNMP users. The file /mroot/etc/mib/netapp.mib
has a list of the built-in traps. Each trap has a unique identifier or trap code. An example of a built-in trap is volumeOnline and its trap code is 276. The information below is taken from the netapp.mib
The OID is followed by the NOTIFICATION-TYPE tag, which indicates that it is a trap and is associated with the description and trap-code, 276 in this case.
OBJECTS {productTrapData, productSerialNum}
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION Volume is online now. The string sent with trap specifies name of volume which is online now.
::= { netapp 0 276 }
User-Defined SNMP traps:
These are traps that can be configured based on user requirements. Even though NetApp has some built-in traps, the user might still want to generate events for other reasons. 7-Mode has the infrastructure to support user-defined traps, but C-Mode infrastructure for Data ONTAP 8.1 does not support user-defined traps. These are the planned UIs (after Data ONTAP 8.1) that will help configure user-defined traps:
- snmp-trap-list
- snmp-trap-set
- snmp-trap-delete
- snmp-trap-reset
- snmp-trap-load
Tie-in w/ EMS:
Traps are tied to EMS events. SNMP events can be generated using the event CLI as well.
All the traphosts that are added to the SNMP traphost list will get replicated to another table called the event destination table under the traphost entry.
test-01::*> system snmp traphost show
test-01::*> event destination show -name traphost
Name: traphost
Mail Destination: -
SNMP Destination: TRAPHOST1
Syslog Destination: -
Syslog Facility: -
SNMP Trap Community: public
Hide Parameter Values?: false
The following can be done using event * CLI:
A new SNMP host can be added using the event destination create CLI. When the host is added to the default traphost list, it gets replicated in the SNMP traphost list and all events that are triggered in the cluster will be sent out to this host.
csiqa-3170-6a1365754940::*> snmp traphost
csiqa-3170-6a1365754940::*> event destination show -name traphost
Name: traphost
Mail Destination: -
SNMP Destination: -
Syslog Destination: -
Syslog Facility: -
SNMP Trap Community: qwerty
Hide Parameter Values?: false
csiqa-3170-6a1365754940::*> snmp community
ro qwerty
csiqa-3170-6a1365754940::*> event destination modify -name traphost -hide-parameters false -snmp -snmp-community qwerty
csiqa-3170-6a1365754940::*> event destination show -name traphost
Name: traphost
Mail Destination: -
SNMP Destination:
Syslog Destination: -
Syslog Facility: -
SNMP Trap Community: qwerty
Hide Parameter Values?: false
csiqa-3170-6a1365754940::*> snmp traphost ( <>
However, if the user wants to configure a host to receive only particular events, the event route CLI can be used to route any event to that destination. To list the events, do the following:
csiqa-3070-591287556400::*> event route show
Freq Time
Message Severity Destinations Threshd Threshd
-------------------------------- -------------- -------------- ------- -------
EthrOutput.FamilyType.Err ERROR - 0 0
LUN.clone_snapshot_destroyed NOTICE - 0 0
NOTICE - 0 0
ERROR - 0 0
Nblade.DidNotInitialize ERROR - 0 0
Nblade.JunctionRootLookup WARNING - 0 0
Nblade.Nfs4IllegalDirentName ERROR - 0 0
Nblade.NfsRaidError ERROR - 0 0
Map the corresponding event to the Destination required.
Not all events are SNMP trap enabled. In order to know all the traps associated with snmp traps, use the following CLI :
csiqa-3070-591287556400::*> event route show -snmp-support true
Freq Time
Message Severity Destinations Threshd Threshd
-------------------------------- -------------- -------------- ------- -------
app.log.alert ALERT - 0 0
app.log.crit CRITICAL - 0 0
app.log.debug DEBUG - 0 0
app.log.emerg EMERGENCY - 0 0
app.log.err ERROR - 0 0 INFORMATIONAL - 0 0
app.log.notice NOTICE - 0 0
app.log.warn WARNING - 0 0
asup.general.create ERROR - 0 0
asup.general.drop ERROR - 0 0
asup.general.drop.enqueue INFORMATIONAL - 0 0
SNMP traps - How to configure traps and generate events
Add the traphosts using the snmp traphost CLI:
$> snmp traphost add
$> snmp traphost add
Note: Ensure that dns is configured on the cluster in order to resolve the traphost names.
Ensure that SNMP protocol is enabled on the filer:
::> options -option-name snmp.enable on
Enable SNMP traps on the cluster. This can be done in either of the following ways:
Run the following command:
Cluster::> snmp init 1
Run the ZAPI :
$> ontapi
- Trigger and monitor events.
info - reference: Burt # 460968
file is particularly for user-defined-traps. UDT support is not in Data ONTAP C-Mode as yet (as of Data ONTAP 8.1.1)
file has the extra 1 at the end to help differentiate between OIDs inside of tables and OIDs that end in 0 (outside of tables). OIDs inside of tables should not be trapped against, so the extra obfuscation actually helps to reduce invalid user-defined traps
C-Mode OID info - reference: Burt # 460968
The OIDs that are seen in the netapp.mib
file are the keys and are not the actual absolute OID values. The best way to figure this out is by actually performing snmpwalk by dropping the last digit:
- [
rakeshc@cyclnb01 ~/p4]$ snmpwalk -v 1 -c public .
SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.789. = STRING: "aggr0"
SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.789. = STRING: "aggr0_br3040n2_rtp"
SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.789. = STRING: "n1_aggr1"
SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.789. = STRING: "n2_aggr1"
SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.789. = STRING: "coral_aggr"
It gives 5 different OIDs above (1026, 1030, 1034, 1038, 1050) and then perform the following:
[rakeshc@cyclnb01 ~/p4]$ snmpwalk -v 1 -c public .
SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.789. = STRING: "aggr0"
The detailed procedure of how to generate different types of traps/events is shown in the Appendix section below:
Enable SNMP and run snmp utilities:
Running snmpwalk/snmpget/snpgetnext etc..
on a cluster and also the config steps to do this
DOT_cluster::*> options snmp.enable
snmp.enable on
DOT_cluster::*> network interface show -vserver DOT_cluster
Logical Status Network Current Current Is
Vserver Interface Admin/Oper Address/Mask Node Port Home
----------- ---------- ---------- ------------------ ------------- ------- ----
cluster_mgmt up/up node1 e0c true
bash-3.2$ snmpwalk -c public -v 1 .
SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.789. = STRING: "aggr0"
SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.789. = STRING: "aggr0_partnernode"
SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.789. = STRING: "aggr_node1"
Disabling snmpwalk/snmpget/snpgetnext etc..
on a cluster and also the config steps to do this
DOT_cluster::*> option snmp.enable off
1 entry was modified.
DOT_cluster::*> net int show -vserver DOT_cluster
(network interface show)
Logical Status Network Current Current Is
Vserver Interface Admin/Oper Address/Mask Node Port Home
----------- ---------- ---------- ------------------ ------------- ------- ----
cluster_mgmt up/up node1 e0c true
bash-3.2$ snmpwalk -c public -v 1 .
Timeout: No Response from
bash-3.2$ snmpget -c public -v 1 .
Timeout: No Response from
bash-3.2$ snmpgetnext -c public -v 1 .
Timeout: No Response from
snmpv3 protocol is a secured protocol when compared to snmpv1|v2c; the followig steps are required to configure for an snmpv3 user and run the snmp tools
DOT_cluster::*> security login create -username snmpv3user -application snmp -authmethod usm
Enter the authoritative entity's EngineID [local EngineID]:
Which authentication protocol do you want to choose (none, md5, sha) [none]: sha
Enter the authentication protocol password (minimum 8 characters long):
Enter the authentication protocol password again:
Which privacy protocol do you want to choose (none, des) [none]: des
Enter privacy protocol password (minimum 8 characters long):
Enter privacy protocol password again:
bash-3.2$ snmpwalk -v 3 -u snmpv3user -a SHA -A testing123! -l authPriv -x DES -X testing123! .
SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.789. = STRING: "aggr0"
SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.789. = STRING: "aggr0_partnernode"
SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.789. = STRING: "aggr_node1"
Netapp build-in traps are defined in the netapp.mib
file; the following steps show how to generate them on to the traphosts or snmp destinations
DOT_cluster::*> snmp traphost
DOT_cluster::*> snmp traphost add
DOT_cluster::*> snmp traphost ( <>
DOT_cluster::*> snmp init
DOT_cluster::*> options snmp.enable
snmp.enable on
DOT_cluster::*> volume offline -volume testvol -vserver vs0
Volume "vs0:testvol" is now offline.
Volume modify successful on volume: testvol
DOT_cluster::*> volume online -volume testvol -vserver vs0
Volume "vs0:testvol" is now online.
Volume modify successful on volume: testvol
2013-05-03 05:30:00 [] (via UDP: []:161) TRAP, SNMP v1, community public
SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.789 Enterprise Specific Trap (275) Uptime: 1:10:12.70
SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.789. = STRING: "Volume testvol@vserver:17309c4f-b3d6-11e2-a9a8-123478563412 is offline. " SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.789. = STRING: "1-80-000011"
2013-05-03 05:31:55 [] (via UDP: []:161) TRAP, SNMP v1, community public
SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.789 Enterprise Specific Trap (276) Uptime: 1:12:12.07
SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.789. = STRING: "Volume testvol@vserver:17309c4f-b3d6-11e2-a9a8-123478563412 is online. " SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.789. = STRING: "1-80-000011"
Generate traps using event generate CLI:
One can use event generate CLI also to generate traps.
DOT_cluster::*> event destination show
Name Mail Dest. SNMP Dest. Syslog Dest. Params
---------------- ----------------- ------------------ ------------------ ------
allevents - - - false
asup - - - false
criticals - - - false
pager - - - false
traphost -
- false
5 entries were displayed.
DOT_cluster::*> snmp traphost ( <>
DOT_cluster::*> event generate -messagename wafl.dir.size.warning -values TEST_EVENT
2013-05-03 05:33:01 [] (via UDP: []:161) TRAP, SNMP v1, community public
SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.789 Enterprise Specific Trap (485) Uptime: 1:13:17.57
SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.789. = STRING: "Directory TEST_EVENT is approaching the maxdirsize limit. " SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.789. = STRING: "1-80-000011"
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