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Disk is assigned from one node to the partner node automatically

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  • Disk is assigned from one node to the partner node automatically.


23 Nov 2020 19:33:52 [node-02: info] sanown_io diskown changingOwner: diskname="0b.00.20P1" serialno="XXXXXXXXX" oldownername="node-02"
oldownerid="xxxxxxxx" olddrhomeownerid="-1" newownername="node-01" newownerid="xxxxxxxx" newdrhomeownerid="-1" thread="svc_queue_thread" APIname="zapi_disk_sanown_assign"

  • SAS loop of the disk is down and up.


23 Nov 2020 19:11:23 [node-02: Debug] pmcsas_admin_0 sas port down: adapterName="0a"
23 Nov 2020 19:11:23 [node-02: Info] pmcsas_asyncd_0 sas adapter debug: adapterName="0a" debug_string="Port 0: Nominal speed changed: 11 --> 0"
23 Nov 2020 19:11:23 [node-02: Info] pmcsas_asyncd_0 sas adapter debug: adapterName="0a" debug_string="Port 0: disabled 0, up 0, down 4: old state 3 --> new state 1"
23 Nov 2020 19:11:23 [node-02: Info] pmcsas_asyncd_0 sas adapter debug: adapterName="0a" debug_string="Port 1: disabled 0, up 4, down 0: old state 3 --> new state 3"
23 Nov 2020 19:11:23 [node-02: Info] pmcsas_asyncd_0 sas adapter debug: adapterName="0a" debug_string="Port 0: Minimum common speed changed: 11 --> 0"

  • The affected disk is re-identified by system.


23 Nov 2020 19:29:57 [node-02: Info] dmgr_thread raid disk inserted: disk_info="Disk 0a.01.1 Shelf 1 Bay 1 [NETAPP X343_TA15E1T8A10 NA00] S/N [X040A00RF4VR] UID [5000039A:78082D78:00000000:00000000:00000000:00000000:00000000:00000000:00000000:00000000]" shelf="1" bay="1" vendor="NETAPP " model="X343_TA15E1T8A10" firmware_revision="NA00" serialno="X040A00RF4VR" disk_type="4" disk_rpm="10000" carrier="" site="Local"
23 Nov 2020 19:29:58 [node-02: Info] config_thread raid shared disk exchange: disk_info="Disk 0a.01.1 Shelf 1 Bay 1 [NETAPP X343_TA15E1T8A10 NA00] S/N [X040A00RF4VR] UID [5000039A:78082D78:00000000:00000000:00000000:00000000:00000000:00000000:00000000:00000000]" event="NONE" local_state="present" local_substate="0x0" partner_state="present" partner_substate="0x0" failure_reason="unknown" sick_reason="INVALID" offline_reason="NONE" online_reason="NONE" recv_reply="e32038db-8d37-11e9-9051-d039ea02edf8" host_type="1" add_details="persistent 0, spare on unfail 0, awaiting done 0, awaiting prefail abort 0, awaiting offline abort 0, pool partitioning 1" timestamp="0" shelf="1" bay="1" vendor="NETAPP " model="X343_TA15E1T8A10" firmware_revision="NA00" serialno="X040A00RF4VR" disk_type="4" disk_rpm="10000" carrier="" site="Local"


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