CONTAP-186894: Rekey job showing as Dormant despite it being in progress
After performing volume encryption rekey start on a volume, the Rekey job incorrectly reports the job as dormant despite it being active:cluster1::> volume encryption rekey show -volume testEncrypt -vserver svm1_cluster1 Vserver Name: svm1_cluster1 Volume Name: testEncrypt Start Time: 2/6/2024 11:18:00 Status: Phase 2 of 2 (redirect scan) is in progress. cluster1::> job show -name Rekey -instance Job ID: 120 Owning Vserver: cluster1 Name: Rekey Description: Encryption rekey of volume "testEncrypt". Priority: Medium Node: cluster1-01 Affinity: Cluster Schedule: @now Queue Time: 02/06 11:18:00 Start Time: 02/06 11:18:00 End Time: - Drop-dead Time: - Restarted?: false State: Dormant Status Code: 0 Completion String: Job Type: VOL_REKEY Job Category: VOPL Execution Progress: rekey status of dsid 1027 is Phase 2 of 2 (redirect scan) is in progress. User Name: admin
Restart Is Delayed by Module: -