CONTAP-126100: Slowness with FlexGroups and indirect I/O due to Snapshot autodelete saturating network threads
- Slowness seen with indirect i/o or Flexgroups.
- Snapshots are not being auto deleted.
- Once the snapcoord counters for snapserver_create minus snapserver_delete reaches a difference of around 65000, the node will make all flexgroups unresponsive.
Cluster-node01::*> statistics show -raw -object snapcoord -counter snapserver_create|snapserver_delete
Object: snapcoord Instance: snapcoord Start-time: 2/13/2024 15:14:02 End-time: 2/13/2024 15:14:02 Scope: Cluster-node01Counter Value -------------------------------- -------------------------------- snapserver_create 153332 snapserver_delete 88332