EMS reports "fci.device.timeout"
Applies to
- MetroCluster FC
- ATTO 7600N FibreBridge
- EMS reports
Wed Jun 02 09:48:43 +0900 [node: slifc_timeout_3: fci.device.quiesce:debug]: Adapter 1d encountered a command timeout on Disk device PROD_FAB_1_SW3_D7:10.126 (0x0e070a00) LUN 10 cdb 0x28:4d2a22f8:0020 retry: 0 Quiescing the device.
Wed Jun 02 09:48:44 +0900 [node: slifc_timeout_3: fci.device.timeout:debug]: HBA 1d encountered a device timeout on Disk device PROD_FAB_1_SW3_D7:10.126 (0x0e070a00) LUN 10 cdb 0x28:4d2a22f8:0020 retry: 0
- CRC errors are observed on the FibreBridge port connected to the switch PROD_FAB_1_SW3_D7:10.
1) Run "get FCPortErrors all
" from the ATTO serial console.
get FCPortErrors all
; Fibre Channel Error Counts
; Port | Link Failures | Sync Loss | Signal Loss | Invalid Tx | Invalid CRC
1 717 56806347 0 22 1888 <<<<< CRC errors on FC1
2 2 658 0 172 0
2) Or examining "STORAGE-BRIDGE" in ASUP:
Bridge: PROD_FAB_1_SW3_D7:10.126L0
Serial: FB7600NXXXXX
Vendor: ATTO
WWN: 2000001086ad9800
Model: FibreBridge 7600N
Rev: 4.10
FC Port 2100001086ad9800:
State: up
Speed: 16 Gb/s
Topology: point-to-point
Link Failure Count: 717
Loss of Sync Count: 56804608
CRC Error Count: 1888
LIP Count: 0
Frames In: 3046326
Frames Out: 6137344743
SFP Part Number: AFBR-57G5MZ-ELX
SFP Serial Number: AD1928G00PZ