Switchback vetoed - DR Partner not ready
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- 1,091
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- Category:
- metrocluster
- Specialty:
- metrocluster
- Last Updated:
- 5/11/2022, 3:20:33 PM
Applies to
- MetroCluster
- Controller upgrade
- Switchback operation is vetoed with the following reason:
Cluster_A::> metrocluster operation show
Errors: Failed to validate the node and cluster components before the switchback operation.
Cluster_A:(non-overridable veto): The DR partner is not ready for the switchback operation. Contact technical support for assistance.
- The following output show discrepancy between cluster and node-level view of MetroCluster state:
Cluster_A::> metrocluster node show
DR Configuration DR
Group Cluster Node State Mirroring Mode
----- ------- ------------------ -------------- --------- --------------------
1 Cluster_A
Node1 configured enabled switchback vetoed
Node2 configured enabled negotiated switchover completed
Cluster_A::> metrocluster show
Configuration: two-node-fabric
Cluster Entry Name State
------------------------------ ---------------------- ---------------------
Local: Cluster_A
Configuration State configured
Mode switchover
AUSO Failure Domain auso-on-cluster-disaster
Remote: Cluster_B
Configuration State configured
Mode waiting-for-switchback
AUSO Failure Domain auso-on-cluster-disaster