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Why is Snapmirror Destination volume space usage less than Source volume?

Last Updated:

Applies to

ONTAP 9.3 or later


  • Starting with ONTAP 9.3, SnapMirror extended data protection (XDP) mode replaces SnapMirror data protection (DP) mode as the SnapMirror default.
    • The data transferring via XDP will use Logical replication with storage efficiency (LRSE).
  • The replication engine of LRSE only transfers the difference between two Snapshot copies from the primary to the secondary.
    • This incremental-only transfer leads to savings in terms of storage and network bandwidth.

Additional Information

  • For more details of LRSE, refer to TR-4015 SnapMirror Configuration and Best Practices Guide for ONTAP 9
  • volume move use the replication engine of LRSE as well that triggers the same condition.
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