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NetApp Knowledge Base

Is it normal that local adminitrator shows as SID on snapmirror destination volume ?

Last Updated:

Applies to

  • ONTAP 9 
  • Snapmirror


  • It is expected behavior.
  • All information of the Snapmirror destination volumes are synchronized through snapmirror transer, including the ACL information in the file, which should be consistent with that on the source volume.
  • If using XDP snapmirror relationship, not SVMDR, that is, the configurations in the source SVM root volume cannot be synchronized to the destination cluster.
    • CIFS local user
    • CIFS loca group
  • The SID of the administrator user in destination SVM is different from that of the user in source SVM, so it is displayed as: source adiministrator's SID or win-name.
Demo_DES::*> vserver services access-check authentication translate -node Demo_Des-01 -vserver naafstest -win-name NAAFSTEST\Administrator

Demo_SRC::*> vserver services access-check authentication translate -node Demo_SRC-01 -vserver naana006 -win-name NAANA006\Administrator

Additional Information

  • NTFS ACLs are tied to SIDs, not windows users name or groups name.
  • Even if a local user or group with the same name is configured, it will not be accessible if the SID is different.
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