How is SnapMirror lag time calculated
Applies to
- SnapMirror
- SnapMirror lag time is the difference between when the snapshot was created on the source and the system time on the destination.
ontap912::> snapmirror show -destination-path svm1_ontap912:test912 -fields exported-snapshot,lag-time
source-path destination-path exported-snapshot lag-time
--------------------- --------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------
svm1_ontap913:test913 svm1_ontap912:test912 snapmirror.2e3cb37b-64a9-11ed-b07f-005056959654_2150626516.2024-10-11_132941 957:4:52
ontap912::> date
Node Date Time zone
--------- ------------------------ -------------------------
Wed Nov 20 10:32:58 2024 Japan
Wed Nov 20 10:32:59 2024 Japan
2 entries were displayed.
So lag time (957:4:52
) = Wed Nov 20 10:32:58 2024
- 2024-10-11_132941
- There are additional factors that can affect lag, including
- The timestamp on the last successfully transferred snapshot
- The system time on the destination
- The amount of time needed to transfer the snapshot from the source to destination
- The amount of time elapsed between the last
snapmirror update
and runningsnapmirror show
- Example of how lag is calculated
- A snapshot is created at 22:55
- A scheduled SnapMirror update runs at 23:00
- The transfer takes 15 minutes to complete
- Lag time will be 20 minutes at the end of the transfer
- How is that calculated? The difference between snapshot creation time and initiating the transfer is 5 minutes, plus 15 minutes for the transfer to complete.
Note: When examining lag time in SNAPMIRROR.XML
via AutoSupport, two factors can increase lag time:
- the elapsed time since the last SnapMirror transfer
- the time required to collect each AutoSupport section.
For example, if there is a 20-minute lag time and AutoSupport is triggered at 00:00 but takes 20 minutes to generate SNAPMIRROR.XML
, the lag time will reflect an additional 1 hour and 20 minutes, displaying as 1:40:00 (1 hour and 40 minutes).
Additional Information