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NetApp Knowledge Base

FAQ: Snapmirror and Snapshot management in BlueXP

Last Updated:

Applies to

  • ONTAP 9.x
  • BlueXP (Formerly Known as Cloud Manager)
  • Snapmirror

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the size of a snapshot backed up in Google Cloud Platform?

The total size of a snapshot must be verified from the Google Cloud console

What is the size of a snapshot backed up in Google Cloud Platform?

Does deleting snapshots via BlueXP free up space in GCP?

Yes, the Delete all backups option from BlueXP will clear the snapshots at the destination and free up the occupied space from the Cloud provider's end

Does deleting snapshots via BlueXP free up space in GCP?

Will removing snapshots after a SnapMirror deletion cause any trouble for future SnapMirror creations?

No. Since the SnapMirror relationship is deleted there is no common snapshot required. Deleting the snapshots will not cause any issues

Will removing snapshots after a SnapMirror deletion cause any trouble for future SnapMirror creations?

When was a policy removed from the deleted SnapMirror relationship?
  • This information can be retrieved from BlueXP GUI if the deletion was performed recently
  • Otherwise, ASUP logs will need to be analyzed to find the information on a deleted policy

When was a policy removed from the deleted SnapMirror relationship?

Should SnapMirror relationships be managed in BlueXP?
  • Yes, it is recommended that all SnapMirror relationship (Cloud Backup Service) must be managed from BlueXP (GUI)

  • Cloud Backup Service backups must be managed from the Cloud Manager GUI only

Should SnapMirror relationships be managed in BlueXP?

How do I delete SnapMirror relationships from BlueXP?
  • Yes, it is recommended that all SnapMirror relationship (Cloud Backup Service) must be managed from BlueXP (GUI)

  • Cloud Backup Service backups must be managed from the Cloud Manager GUI only

How do I delete SnapMirror relationships from BlueXP?

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