FAQ: Snapmirror and Snapshot management in BlueXP
Applies to
- ONTAP 9.x
- BlueXP (Formerly Known as Cloud Manager)
- Snapmirror
Frequently Asked Questions
- What is the size of a snapshot backed up in Google Cloud Platform?
What is the size of a snapshot backed up in Google Cloud Platform?
- Does deleting snapshots via BlueXP free up space in GCP?
- Will removing snapshots after a SnapMirror deletion cause any trouble for future SnapMirror creations?
- When was a policy removed from the deleted SnapMirror relationship?
When was a policy removed from the deleted SnapMirror relationship?
- Should SnapMirror relationships be managed in BlueXP?
- How do I delete SnapMirror relationships from BlueXP?