When does FabricPool start tiering into the capacity tier?
Applies to
- ONTAP 9.x
- FabricPool
- By default, FabricPool starts tiering data into the capacity tier when the aggregate reaches 50% utilization
cluster1::> set advanced
Warning: These advanced commands are potentially dangerous; use them only when directed to
do so by NetApp personnel.
Do you want to continue? {y|n}: y
cluster1::*> storage aggregate object-store show -instance
Aggregate Name: aggr1_cluster1
ONTAP Name for this Object Store Config: ontap_s3_1
Availability of the Object Store: available
Reason why Object Store is Unavailable: -
Type of the Object Store Provider: ONTAP_S3
License Space Used Percent: -
Threshold for Reclaiming Unreferenced Space: 40%
Aggregate Fullness Threshold Required for Tiering: 50%
Object Store Mirror Type: primary
This object store is in mirror degraded mode: -
Force Tiering with no Mirror in a MetroCluster Configuration: false
The name of the Cluster to which the bin belongs: cluster
- Beginning with ONTAP 9.5, this value can be modified by the following advanced command:
cluster::> set advanced
cluster1::*> storage aggregate object-store modify -aggregate <AggrName> -object-store-name <ObjectStore> -tiering-fullness-threshold <value>
Additional Information