SnapCenter upgrade Failed to extract a file while staging
Applies to
SnapCenter Server (SC)
Upgrade of SnapCenter server failing at the "Staging" step on SCExtractor.msi.
Indicating an error message below :
And indicating in the log the below :
9-30-2024[11:01:42 AM]: Engine: property 'ISParcelStatus' value now 'SCExtractor.msi'
9-30-2024[11:01:42 AM]: Failed to extract '{77FCFD36-CA9E-41D2-BCB3-9193060077DD}\SCExtractor.msi' from setup stream, error 0
9-30-2024[11:01:42 AM]: Engine: exception status 80040709 while staging parcels
9-30-2024[11:01:42 AM]: UI DLL: Display Error: Failed to extract a file while staging. Either the file is not present in the stream, or the file could not be written to the target machine. File: {77FCFD36-CA9E-41D2-BCB3-9193060077DD}\SCExtractor.msi
9-30-2024[11:01:50 AM]: Error code: 0x80040709