SnapCenter reseed operation fails in a AAG setup due to "could not find one or more files to restore"
Applies to
SnapCenter plugin for SQL (SCSQL)
- SnapCenter reseed secondary operation for a SQL AlwaysOn Availability Group (AAG) fails on the Post Restore > Finalizing Database Step with the below error
could not find one or more files to restore
- The Primary is using the disk Q and R
- The Secondary uses the disk P and S
We can see in the SCW job log the below error :
2024-04-03T09:08:07.9222276+02:00 DEBUG SCW_203366 PID=[2368] TID=[67] Failed to discover directory containment R:\
2024-04-03T09:08:07.9534781+02:00 DEBUG SCW_203366 PID=[2368] TID=[67] Message : Unable to find a part of the path 'R:\'.
On the local system snapcenter is not seeing the disk R, but can see only the below disk.
2024-04-03T09:08:08.0784788+02:00 DEBUG SCW_203366 PID=[2368] TID=[67] Retrieved logical drives from local system : C:\,F:\,P:\,S:\,V:\
2024-04-03T09:08:24.2817512+02:00 DEBUG SCW_203366 PID=[2368] TID=[67] Failed to get volume mount point for path 'R:\', error = '2'