SnapCenter plugin for Oracle archive log backup fails: Failed to save the consistency group. Error: Connection timed out
Applies to
- SnapCenter plugin for Oracle (SCO)
- Oracle Archive log backups
- SnapCenter plugin for Oracle archive log backup fails.
2023-08-04T02:18:26.4016783+00:00 ERROR SMCore_2066 PID=[4240] TID=[47] ErrorCode (-1), ErrorMessage (Create CG snapshot '<snapshot_name>' failed: Snapshot operation failed [Storage System: <svm>]
Snapshot operation failed for some of the volumes [Storage System: <svm>]
2023-08-04T02:18:15.9202599+00:00 Verbose SAL PID=[4240] TID=[7484] Request: StorageSystemId: <svm> Snapshot: <snapshot_name>, Volumes: <vol_name>, Timeout:
2023-08-04T02:18:23.1177913+00:00 Verbose SAL PID=[4240] TID=[7484] No retry condition match found or max retry reached. Throwing error The running command stopped because the preference variable "ErrorActionPreference" or common parameter is set to Stop: Connection timed out
2023-08-04T02:18:23.1177913+00:00 Information SAL PID=[4240] TID=[7484] [Resource pool] [SNAPSTAR_MODE] Re-adding the connection 'StorageSystemId: '<cluster>', Controller: ''' for the identity 'Name : [<svm>]
Aliases :
Alias : [<svm>]
Alias : [<svm>]
IPAddresses :
Address : []
2023-08-04T02:18:23.1177913+00:00 Error SAL PID=[4240] TID=[7484] Failed to save the consistency group. Error: Connection timed out
- ONTAP Autosupport >
00000008.003f9e07 0290d26d Fri Aug 04 2023 02:18:23 +00:00 [kern_audit:info:4400] 8503e8000060cd12 :: <cluster_node>:ontapi :: :: <svm>:admin :: cg-commit :: Error: Connection timed out