SnapCenter Repository protection fails on VMDK disk
Applies to
SnapCenter Server 4.1.1
Protecting the SnapCenter repository database (NSM) fails when selecting the VMDK disk.
SnapCenter Plug-in for VMware (SCV) is installed on SnapCenter Server.
PS C:\> Import-Module SnapCenter
PS C:\> Open-SmConnection
PS C:\> Protect-SmRepository -Hostname snapcenter -Path "X:\xxxxx\" -Schedule @{"ScheduleType"="hourly";"StartTime"="01/01/2020 01:00 PM"} -RetentionCount 3
Protect-SmRepository : Repository protection operation failed because "X:\xxxxx\" path is not available on the
NetApp storage system or the path is not discovered in SnapCenter Server. You must discover the file system resources
from SnapCenter Server "" and retry repository protection.
At line:1 char:1
+ Protect-SmRepository -Hostname snapcenter -Path X:\xxxxx\ -Schedule @{"Sch ...
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
The PowerShell command 'Get-SmResources -PluginCode SCW -Hostname'
returns no disks.
SnapManagerWeb log:
[...] ErrorCode (-1), ErrorMessage (Repository protection operation failed because ":\\" path is not available on the NetApp storage system or the path is not discovered in SnapCenter Server.
[...] ConfigureScDbProtectionActivity failed:Repository protection operation failed because ":\\" path is not available on the NetApp storage system or the path is not discovered in SnapCenter Server.
You must discover the file system resources from SnapCenter Server ""
and retry repository protection.