SC SQL backup fails with Operating system error 995
Applies to
- SnapCenter Server
- SnapCenter Plug-in for Microsoft SQL Server(SC SQL)
- SnapCеnter receives an error from SQL when trying to execute the backup
- SC SQL log:
DEBUG SmSql_1279551 PID=[2016] TID=[242] VDC_Write event...
ERROR SmSql_1279551 PID=[2016] TID=[254] An exception occurred while executing a Transact-SQL statement or batch.
ERROR SmSql_1279551 PID=[2016] TID=[254] BackupVirtualDeviceSet::AllocateBuffer: failure on backup device '47DB003B-F414-43B2-810A-377491AC59E3'. Operating system error 995(Der E/A-Vorgang wurde wegen eines Threadendes oder einer Anwendungsanforderung abgebrochen.).
BACKUP DATABASE is terminating abnormally.
ERROR SmSql_1279551 PID=[2016] TID=[110] An exception occurred while executing a Transact-SQL statement or batch.
ERROR SmSql_1279551 PID=[2016] TID=[110] Write on "46F9AAA5-0F07-449D-81AD-B4C920E55C7B" failed: 995(Der E/A-Vorgang wurde wegen eines Threadendes oder einer Anwendungsanforderung abgebrochen.)
BACKUP DATABASE is terminating abnormally.
Application event logs from the plugin host :
- Application Event log reports:
Fehler <hostname> SQLVDI 1 SQLVDI: Loc=BufferAreaManager::MapBuffers. Desc=Out Of Address Space. ErrorCode=(8). Process=2016. Thread=2052. Client. Instance=<SQL Instance>. VD=Global\CD5FA1BE-717D-47E3-A3D1-65CDE8E379C0_SQLVDIMemoryName_0.
Fehler <hostname> SQLVDI 1 SQLVDI: Loc=ClientBufferAreaManager::SyncWithGlobalTable. Desc=Attach buffer. ErrorCode=(0). Process=2016. Thread=2052. Client. Instance=<SQL instance>. VD=Global\CD5FA1BE-717D-47E3-A3D1-65CDE8E379C0_SQLVDIMemoryName_0.