Install Upgrade of SnapCenter Custom Creator Plug-in for Windows fails connection
Applies to
SnapCenter Custom Creator Plug-in (SCC) on Windows
Independent of the database or other plug-in used from the Automation Store, either a fresh install, or an upgrade fails with the following errors in the
:DEBUG SnapManagerWeb_<JOB-ID> PID=[###] TID=[##] Updating the job (<JOB-ID>) task (Installing <PLUGIN-NAME> plug-in) status as Running
DEBUG SnapManagerWeb_<JOB-ID> PID=[###] TID=[##] Push custom plug-in REST URL: https://HOST-FQDN:8145/PluginService...rtCustomPlugin
DEBUG SnapManagerWeb_<JOB-ID> PID=[###] TID=[##] IsTls10Disabled - Start
DEBUG SnapManagerWeb_<JOB-ID> PID=[###] TID=[##] IsTls10Disabled - End
DEBUG SnapManagerWeb_<JOB-ID> PID=[###] TID=[##] Starting push custom plug-in.
DEBUG SnapManagerWeb_<JOB-ID> PID=[###] TID=[###] Basic: HTTPS URL : https://<HOST-FQDN>:8145/PluginService/ImportCustomPlugin
DEBUG SnapManagerWeb_<JOB-ID> PID=[###] TID=[###] Basic: Certificate Name: [<HOST-FQDN>], Issuer: [CN=<HOST-FQDN>], Hash: [<HEX-HASH>], Public friendly name: [], Public key size: [3072], Public key exchange algorithm: [RSA-PKCS1-KeyEx]
ERROR SnapManagerWeb_<JOB-ID> PID=[###] TID=[##] Failed to push custom plug-in. Reason: . Check if correct java path is set in the path Environment variable.
ERROR SnapManagerWeb_<JOB-ID> PID=[###] TID=[##] ErrorCode (-1), ErrorMessage (Failed to upload custom plug-in, error: )
Note: this is after the installer ran the Windows Plug-in installation successfully on the remote host:
INFO SnapManagerWeb_JOB PID=[###] TID=[##] Installation of SnapCenter plugin package completed successfully.