Custom plug-in missing after upgrading SnapCenter Plugin for Windows
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- Category:
- snapcenter
- Specialty:
- snapx
- Last Updated:
- 5/31/2022, 9:31:40 AM
Applies to
- SnapCenter Plug-in for SAP-HANA (SCHANA) on Windows, version 4.5P2 and higher
- SnapCenter Custom Creator Plug-in (SCC) on Windows, version 4.5P2 or higher with one of the Automation Store plug-ins
After the upgrade of the Windows Plug-in on a Host using the SCC to run with an Automation Store plug-in, that plug-in disappears from the Host in the Hosts overview, and backups that were scheduled are failing with connection errors.
When uninstalling the Windows Plug-in and trying to redploy, the deployment of the customer plug-in fails with:
Failed to upload custom plug-in, error: An error occurred while sending the request.
Check if the Plugin Service is down or not reachable
Additionally, the PluginCreatorService will not show up in the list of Windows services as it did previously.