Can a SnapCenter rollback be done if an upgrade fails?
- Views:
- 212
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- Public
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- 0
- Category:
- snapcenter
- Specialty:
- snapx
- Last Updated:
- 12/16/2022, 6:31:16 AM
Applies to
- SnapCenter Server (SC)
- SnapCenter Plug-in for Microsoft SQL Server (SCSQL)
- A rollback feature is not supported with any SC version
- If a VM snapshot or SC MYSQL NSM database dump was done before the upgrade then can revert back to this snapshot
- If there is a snapshot of the SC server host but none from the plug-in hosts and a rollback is needed, do the following so backups can be retained:
- On the plug-in hosts go to the Control Panel > Uninstall a program > choose the SC plug-in program and Uninstall.
- In the SC UI, Hosts view, click the box next to the affected host and Refresh Hosts.
- The status of the host should be Services not running
- Then click on the host and choose More Options > Edit icon and choose the plug-ins to re-install.
Note: If the hosts have been added as a cluster, the same procedure can be done as SC will find and install all hosts in the cluster. The cluster will have to be chosen to refresh instead of the plug-in hosts as the plug-ins are not available to refresh.
WARNING If the hosts are removed from SC either in the SC UI or by PowerShell, any backups associated with them will be deleted also |
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