OnCommand Insight: HTTP 404 Error seen in the web interface after rebooting or restarting services
Applies to
- OnCommand Insight 7.3.x
- Supported Windows Operating Systems found here in the NetApp Interoperability Matrix Tool ( IMT)
After rebooting the Host Operating System or restarting the OnCommand Insight (OCI) services, an HTTP error 404 message is seen when attempting to open the OCI WebUI. To view the OCI WebUI, enter the following in the web browser:
- On the OCI server:
- From any location:
https://IP Address:port
Note: The port number is either 443 or the port that was configured when the Insight client was installed. The port number defaults to 443 if you do not specify the port number in the URL.
This can also be confirmed by verifying if the following error message is seen in the server.log
<INSTALL-PATH>\Program Files\SANscreen\wildfly\standalone\log\server.log
2017-08-02 21:08:12,353 ERROR [EE-ManagedExecutorService-default-Thread-1] OciStartUp (OciStartUp.java:78) - Exception during Elasticsearch setup
com.netapp.oci.es.ElasticsearchException: Unable to initialize ElasticFactory