CAIQUM-6993: Improve the "note" functionality on the Events
- Views:
- 8
- Visibility:
- Public
- Votes:
- 0
- Category:
- active-iq-unified-manager
- Specialty:
- OM
- Last Updated:
- 3/18/2025, 10:27:38 AM
- On the Event Management page, the "Notes" column, if added on the view, is not persistent, event on the same session
- On the Event Management page, the "Notes" indicator, does not display any test, even if hovering over it.
- On the Event page itself, if a note is existing it is not shown anywhere.
- Only when a user adds a notes, it will show previously added notes.
The above make the notes usability inconvenient for admins.
Ask is:
- Make the "Notes" column persistent on the event management page.
- Display the text of the note instead of the number of notes if hovering over it in the event management page
- On the event page itself, show the existing notes' text.