Applies to AFF-A70 Part X50130A: Dual 40G/100G Ethernet Controller CX6-DX Cluster Switch Cisco Nexus NX9336C-FX2 with NX-OS 10.3(6) RCF 1.11 Issue System triggered alert ClusterSwitchConnectionDegrade...Applies to AFF-A70 Part X50130A: Dual 40G/100G Ethernet Controller CX6-DX Cluster Switch Cisco Nexus NX9336C-FX2 with NX-OS 10.3(6) RCF 1.11 Issue System triggered alert ClusterSwitchConnectionDegraded_Alert caused by Link e1a on controller down Switch ports are confirmed to be working correctly through cable snd SFP swapping SFP replacement does not solve the issue, the port remains with Link Down. Port bouncing on node does not solve the issue Node power cycling does not solve the issue