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NetApp Knowledge Base

The restore dialog in SCF won't refresh the snapshots when adding another volume

Last Updated:

Applies to

Snap Creator Framework (SCF) 4.3.x


Once the user has selected the snapshot on the first chosen volume (e.g. a database data files volume), and going through the same dialog again to add an additional volume, the second volume choice (e.g. for the log volume of the database) doesn't check or update the snapshot list.
Once finishing the dialog, the first volume (database data) runs successfully, but the second (database logs) fails when the snapshot no longer exists on that volume:
Restoring Snapshot <SNAPSHOT> of volume <VOLUME> with force as true netapp.manage.NaAPIFailedException: entry doesn't exist
The result is, that for databases specifically, the restore is inconsistent, since the data files (for example) were restored, but the logs not.

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