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NetApp Knowledge Base

OnCommand Unified Manager reports error message: RPM Unavailable

Last Updated:
2/26/2020, 5:05:22 PM

Applies to

OnCommand Unified Manager 5.x


The user received the following alert in OnCommand Unified Manager (DFM):

Subject: dfm: Critical event on filerxxxx (RPM Unavailable)
A Critical event at 1 Jan 12:00 Eastern Daylight Time on Active/Active Controller

RPM Unavailable.
Click below to see the details of this event.
http://link to event

User is running v3.3 of the NetApp Management Console software
User is running OnCommand System Manager 3.1 and data
User is on UM Server 5.x  (version number)

The event details are as follows:

General Information
DataFabric Manager server Serial Number: 1-xx-xxxxxx
Alarm Identifier: 6
Event Fields
Event Identifier: xxxxxx
Event Name: RPM Unavailable
Event Description: Online/Unavailable status of RPM card
Event Severity: Critical
Event Timestamp: 1 Jan 12:00
Source of Event
Source Identifier: xxxxxx
Source Name:
Source Type: Active/Active Controller
Source Status: Critical
--NetApp DataFabric Manager


Note: RPM was selected as a generic term for RLM and other 'remote platform management' cards.


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