Altavault migrate to Azure gets bucket or bucket not empty
Applies to
When migrating data from Stroage Grid to Azure and getting "bucket or bucket not empty" error.
AltaVault (config) # replication migrate-to provider type azure bucket-name azure_bucket hostname port 443 storage-type standard
AltaVault (config) # replication migrate-to auth type azure storage-account azure_acc acc-key kHq9+2jOJ+yRrCf2ySOf8bjaPND0JtW5mKjm2sODeuNxBxSLATS8OxOSGzPLGHTUXDO7OmO2xSjJAefGuYUPRA==
AltaVault (config) # replication migrate-to enable
Checking cloud...
Error creating bucket or bucket not empty
and seeing the HTTP 400 error in message log.
Oct 18 10:14:28 localhost cloudctl[24839]: [curl.INFO] (24839) (10:14:28.846352): HTTP/1.1 400 Authentication information is not given in the correct format. Check the value of Authorization header.