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NetApp Knowledge Base

How to check network LIF in CVO-HA Azure and what's their purpose?

Last Updated:

Applies to

  • Microsoft Azure
  • NetApp Cloud Volume ONTAP(CVO-HA)


  • The NIC/port(LIF) on the CVO-HA and usage are as the following:
Azure Portal CVO
NIC0 e0a: Management LIF - Use for Cluster/Node management 
e0a: Data LIF - Used for iSCSI/NFS/CIFS access
e0a: Intercluster IP -Use for SnapMirror
e0a: SVM management IP - Use for SnapCenter
NIC1 e0b: Cluster network IP  -Use for communication between nodes
NIC2 e0c: Cluster Interconnect IP (HA IC) - Use to mirror NVRAM between two nodes
NIC3 e0d: Pageblob NIC IP (disk access) - Use for accessing Blob storage
  • These NIC/LIF info can be checked on BlueXP/Azure portal and CLI:
    • BlueXP: Double click CVO->View Additional Information->Access (Only e0a's LIF can be shown)
      • Example:

check network LIF in CVO-HA Azure and what's their purpose?

  • CLI via SSH CVO:
    • Example:

::*> network interface show
                    Logical    Status     Network            Current       Current Is
        Vserver     Interface  Admin/Oper Address/Mask       Node          Port    Home
        ----------- ---------- ---------- ------------------ ------------- ------- ----
                                 up/up     azurecvoha-01 e0b     true
                                 up/up     azurecvoha-02 e0b     true
                                 up/up     azurecvoha-01 e0a     true
                                 up/up     azurecvoha-02 e0a     true
                    cluster-mgmt up/up      azurecvoha-01 e0a     true
                    inter_1      up/up     azurecvoha-01 e0a     true
                    inter_2      up/up     azurecvoha-02 e0a     true
                    data_1       up/up      azurecvoha-01 e0a     true
                    data_2       up/up      azurecvoha-02 e0a     true
                    iscsi_1      up/up     azurecvoha-01 e0a     true
                    iscsi_2      up/up     azurecvoha-02 e0a     true
                                 up/up      azurecvoha-01 e0a     true
        12 entries were displayed.

::*> system ha interconnect config show
                               Node: azurecvoha-01
                  Interconnect Type: iWARP
                    Local System ID: 2886730002
                  Partner System ID: 2886729999
               Connection Initiator: local
                          Interface: external
        Port   IP Address         Flags
        ----  -----------------  -----------
        e0c        0x0
                               Node: azurecvoha-02
                  Interconnect Type: iWARP
                    Local System ID: 2886729999
                  Partner System ID: 2886730002
               Connection Initiator: partner
                          Interface: external
        Port   IP Address         Flags
        ----  -----------------  -----------
        e0c        0x0

  • Azure Portal:
    • Example:

check network LIF in CVO-HA Azure and what's their purpose?

NetApp provides no representations or warranties regarding the accuracy or reliability or serviceability of any information or recommendations provided in this publication or with respect to any results that may be obtained by the use of the information or observance of any recommendations provided herein. The information in this document is distributed AS IS and the use of this information or the implementation of any recommendations or techniques herein is a customer's responsibility and depends on the customer's ability to evaluate and integrate them into the customer's operational environment. This document and the information contained herein may be used solely in connection with the NetApp products discussed in this document.