Azure instance shut down and is unable to boot back up
Applies to
- Cloud Volumes ONTAP (CVO)
- Microsoft Azure
- Azure CVO instance shut down and won't boot back into ONTAP. When attempting to boot, it shuts itself down again.
- The Azure console reports the following upon boot up:
PANIC: NVRAM jettison for dirty shutdown of panic-mode vsim/vsa. in SK process rc on release 9.8P1 (C) on Thu Sep 23 17:45:53 GMT 2021
version: 9.8P1: Wed Jan 20 20:14:09 EST 2021
compile flags: x86_64.optimize.ovf
Writing panic info to HA mailbox disks.
HA: current time (in sk_msecs) 10145 (in sk_cycles) 379727184508
coredump: warning: dump is aborted because a core in the dump device is not saved yet.
DUMPCORE: END -- coredump *NOT* written
coredump: total ms 18 chunks of all zeroes 0
Dumpcore failed
coredump: dumper failed -1.
The operating system has halted.
Shutting off virtual machine.