Unable to install Data Sense
Applies to
- BlueXP
- Data Sense
When trying to do a new deployment of Data Sense we get the following error:
DefaultAzureCredential failed to retrieve a token from the included credentials.
Attempted credentials: EnvironmentCredential: EnvironmentCredential
authentication unavailable. Environment variables are not fully configured. Visit https://aka.ms/azsdk/python/identity...l/troubleshoot to troubleshoot this issue. ManagedidentityCredential: ManagedidentityCredential authentication unavailable. The requested identity has not been assigned to this resource. SharedTokenCacheCredential: Shared token cache unavailable
AzureCliCredential: Azure CLI not found on path AzurePower ShellCredential:
Power Shell is not installed AzureDeveloperCliCredential: Azure Developer CLI could not be found. Please visit https://aka.ms/azure-dev for installation instructions and then,once installed, authenticate to your Azure account using 'azd auth login. To mitigate this issue, please refer to the troubleshooting guidelines here at https://aka.ms/azsdk/python/identity...l/troubleshoot.