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How to update a SolidFire Backend to use a new Tenant account

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In SolidFire storage systems there are two types of accounts/users. Cluster Administrator User Accounts and Tenant Accounts.

Tenant accounts, also known as User Accounts, enable clients to connect to volumes on a node. When you create a volume, it is assigned to a specific User Account.

A Cluster Administrator User can manage the cluster via APIs and management tools. Cluster Administrator Users are completely separate and unrelated to Tenant Accounts.

When working with Trident using a Solidfire Backend, the minimum Permissions needed for the Trident Administrator User are Volumes and Accounts.

If you want to create a new Tenant Account to be used by Trident then you'll need to update the backend json file used by for the SolidFire array for Trident. This KB will go over the process on how to do so.


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