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NetApp Knowledge Base

Does Trident support configuring inodes on volume creation and expansion?

Last Updated:

Applies to

  • Astra Trident 21.07 or higher
  • ONTAP 9.13 or later


Trident does not support configuring inodes.
As alternative, these methods can be used to manage inodes:
  • Resize the volume. As volumes are thin provisioned by default, this doesn't consume any extra space.
  • Use the flexgroup driver. A flexgroup is backed by multiple volumes on the backend storage, which will make it more difficult to hit the inode limit.
  • Use ontap-san drivers (and therefore iSCSI). Billions of small files lead to a lot of performance overhead with metadata operations (file creation, access timestamps, ownership & permissions,...), which all have to go across the network with a remote filesystem such as NFS. These operations are local operations on block storage and therefore can be faster in such scenarios. Utilizing block storage also allows for local control over inodes.
  • Set a larger snapshot reserve in Trident config. This increases the size of the ONTAP volume vs. the actual size of the PVC, giving you more inodes. As volumes are thin provisioned by default, this also doesn't consume any extra space.

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