Astra Trident volume provisioning fails with Aggregate not found error
Applies to
- Trident for Kubernetes/Openshift (until 21.07.2)
- Astra Trident for Kubernetes/Openshift (21.10.0 and higher)
When attempting to use a newly defined backend in Trident to provide a NAS or SAN Volume, the povisioning fails in the trident controller CSI pod with:
level=error msg="ONTAP-NAS pool /; error creating volume <PREFIX>_pvc_fa595955_cb85_4ec4_96fe_8803c14603e6:
API status: failed, Reason: Aggregate not found. Reason: entry doesn't exist. , Code: 14420"
requestID=27684942-9188-4883-9e58-748d2a713ada requestSource=CSI
level=error msg="GRPC error: rpc error: code = Unknown desc = encountered error(s) in creating the volume:
[Failed to create volume pvc-fa595955-cb85-4ec4-96fe-8803c14603e6 on storage pool from backend ontap-nas:
backend cannot satisfy create request for volume <PREFIX>_pvc_fa595955_cb85_4ec4_96fe_8803c14603e6:
(ONTAP-NAS pool /; error creating volume k8spoc_pvc_fa595955_cb85_4ec4_96fe_8803c14603e6: API status: failed,
Reason: Aggregate not found. Reason: entry doesn't exist. , Code: 14420)]"
requestID=27684942-9188-4883-9e58-748d2a713ada requestSource=CSI
This delays deployment until the aggregate information is properly added into the ONTAP API request.