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NetApp Knowledge Base

How to use netstat to troubleshoot network problems in ONTAP 9.5 or newer

Last Updated:

Applies to

ONTAP 9.5 or newer


  • netstat can be a powerful command in ONTAP to view packet loss or congestion problems
  • This does not replace viewing network traffic with a packet trace in Wireshark, but can be helpful in a quick troubleshooting session
  • Terms of the first columns used for the purposes of this article:
Column Name Meaning
Proto Short for "Protocol", this column designates if the row is TCP, UDP, or IP
Recv-Q Short for "Receive Queue", this is the buffered data waiting to be pulled into ONTAP from the TCP buffer since TCP session establishment
Send-Q Short for "Send Queue", this is the outstanding buffered data waiting to be acknowledged by the foreign address since TCP session establishment
Rexmit Short for "retransmit", this is the amount of packets retransmitted since TCP session establishment
OOOrcv Short for "out-of-order recieve", this is the number of times since TCP session establishment when packets come out of order in their TCP sequence numbers
0-win Short for "TCP zero window", this is the number of times since TCP session establishment when a TCP zero window condition is seen
Local Address ONTAP's IP address, a period, then the TCP port number used by ONTAP
Foreign Address The other side's IP address, a period, then the TCP port number used by the other side of the TCP relationship


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