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NetApp Knowledge Base

CommVault NDMP backups are slow

Last Updated:



Applies to

  • NDMP
  • CommVault


  • NDMP backups for large volumes are reported as slow.
  • Intermittent failures were also observed for these volumes.
  • Following errros are noticed in the logs:
dmp Tue Mar  1 11:57:47 AEDT 202 /SVM_DR/cifs_share(2) Log_msg (Write DIRNET for BKP ID=1177, type=3 interrupted while at waiting for max inflight. Error = Interrupted system call.)
CommVault logs:
7240  10d4  05/13 19:13:17 1007278 Scheduler  Ignored pending cause [Other end cbs02 encountered failure in receiving data [The destination encountered an error while processing the data from the source.]]::Client [cbs02] Application [CVNdmpRemoteServer] Message Id [167772222] RCID [0] Reservation Id [0].  Level [0] flags [0] id [0] overwrite [0] append [0] CustId[0].
7240  5310  05/13 19:13:17 1007278 Scheduler  Ignored pending cause [Pipeline error when initializing a write to the destination library. Please check if the library has free space (or free tapes) or is otherwise unable to write additional data.]::Client [cbs02] Application [CVNdmpRemoteServer] Message Id [654311812] RCID [0] Reservation Id [0].  Level [0] flags [0] id [0] overwrite [0] append [0] CustId[0].
7240  1d84  05/13 19:13:17 1007278 Scheduler  Ignored pending cause [The other side has closed the network connection gracefully]::Client [syd2siscbs02] Application [CVNdmpRemoteServer]
11320 1d6c  05/13 19:13:17 1007278 [PIPELAYER  ] Error in flushing the current buffer.

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