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NetApp Knowledge Base

How to patch Java JRE versions for older SANtricity Management Plug-ins and APIs

Last Updated:

Applies to

  • SANtricity
  • NetApp - Patch for Updating Java Runtime Environment (JRE) used by the applications Web server.  
  • NetApp SANtricity Plug-in for VMware vCenter
  • NetApp SANtricity Management Pack for Microsoft System Center Operations Manager
  • NetApp SANtricity Web Services Proxy
  • NetApp SANtricity Storage Replication Adapter
  • NetApp SANtricity VASA Provider
  • NetApp E-Series Plug-In for VMware vCenter 2.7
  •  NetApp SCOM Integration Pack 2.1
  •  NetApp SANtricity Web Services Proxy 1.1
  •  NetApp Storage Replication Adapter for E-Series 5.5
  •  NetApp VASA Provider for E-Series 5.5


This article describes the procedure  on how to patch Java JRE versions for older SANtricity Management Plug-ins and APIs.
This script allows the user to change the JRE version used to run the Web server from the pre-installed version to a more recent one.

The script can be found at the following location on the NetApp Support Site:
SANtricity Management Plug-ins - 1.0J

New JREs can be downloaded from Oracle at the following link and installed as documented.
Java SE Downloads


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