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What are the ActiveIQ Unified Manager performance counters that can be exported to an External Data Provider?

Last Updated:

Applies to

  • ActiveIQ Unified Manager (all versions)
  • OnCommand Unified Manager (all versions)



Active IQ Unified Manager collects a variety of performance data from all ONTAP clusters that it monitors. Admins can send specific groups of counters to an external server (such as a Graphite instance) so that storage managers can chart the performance metrics.


Counters and Counter Groups:

The performance counters are categorized groups, to facilitate graphing the performance of all the components in ONTAP clusters:

  • Node
  • Disk
  • Aggregate
  • Volume 

In general, for each of the available performance objects, the following counter information is provided:

  • Industry-standard performance metrics: IOPS, MB/sec, and Response Time
  • Industry-standard breakdowns for key metrics: Read/Write/Other, Total vs. Protocol-specific
  • Key standard metrics appropriate for the group: Utilization and hit rate


To support aggregating (combining counters) and cooking (performing mathematical operations on a counter) counter data, additional information is also collected:

  • Object instance identifiers
  • Container (also known as aggregated) object instance identifiers
  • Supporting values required for cooking (counter type, unit, and base counter for averages)

The use case monitoring category to which each counter belongs:

  • [P]erformance Indicator
  • [R]esource Utilization
  • [D]rilldown Troubleshooting

The value in the 'Category' column in the counter tables (below) reflects the counter category.
The categories correspond to options you can select from Performance Manager when making a connection to an external server:

  • Performance Indicator: The performance level (IOPS, Latency) of Logical Object, generally limited to total IOPS or Latency (that is, no Read/Write/Other breakdown, and no Per-Protocol breakdown).
  • Resource Utilization: The utilization of Physical Resource.
  • Drill-down Troubleshooting: Provides more detail, or breakdowns, for the higherlevel indicators 'P' and 'R'. For example, read/write/other breakdowns and perprotocol breakdowns.


Counter Type

The counter 'type' specifies how an external graphing tool should interpret its value.
For example, a delta counter is logically the difference of a value between two points in time. So, for a client tool to display a delta counter, it must get a snapshot of the counter (its raw value) at two points in time and return the difference.





Means that the counter being exported has no math

associated with it.



Means that two samples of this counter have to be taken at two different points in time

(C2 -C1)/(T2 -T1)


Means that two samples of this counter have to be taken at two different points in time

(C2 - C1)


Means that two samples of this counter and

two samples of the base counter  have to be taken at two different points in time

(C2 -C1)/(B2 -B1)


Means that two samples of this counter and two samples of the base counter have to be taken at two different points in time

(100)*(C2 - C1)/(B2 - B1)


Means that the counter is a fixed length string, of a size

specified by a counter size flag.


The value in the 'Type' column in the counter tables (below) reflects the counter type.
Note: String types will require to be converted to a number.
List of Counters:


Aggregate Counters 
Counter Name Frequency Type Units Base Counter Category
cp_read_blocks 5m rate per_sec   R
cp_reads  5m rate per_sec   R
total_transfers 5m rate per_sec   R
user_read_blocks 5m rate per_sec   R
user_reads 5m rate per_sec   R
user_write_blocks 5m rate per_sec   R
user_writes 5m rate per_sec   R


CIFS Counters 

The collection of CIFS share associated with a specific Storage Virtual Machine (SVM).

Counter Name Frequency Type Units Base Counter Category
cifs_latency 5m average usecs cifs_latency_base D
cifs_read_latency 5m average usecs cifs_read_ops D
cifs_write_latency 5m average usecs cifs_write_ops D
cifs_latency_base 5m delta usecs N/A D
cifs_ops 5m rate per_sec N/A P
cifs_read_ops 5m rate per_sec N/A D
cifs_write_ops 5m rate per_sec N/A D


Counters for a disk
Counter Name Frequency Type Units Base Counter Category
base_for_disk_busy 5m delta     D
cp_reads 5m rate     D
disk_busy 5m percent base_for_disk_busy   D
total_transfers 5m rate     D
user_reads 5m rate     D
user_writes 5m rate     D


FCP LIF Counters

Counters for an individual LIF serving the FCP protocol

Counter Name Frequency Type Units Base Counter Category
avg_latency 5m average usecs total_ops D
total_ops 5m rate per-Sec   D


FCP Port Counters

Counters for an individual physical port serving the FCP protocol

Counter Name Frequency Type Units Base Counter Category
avg_other_latency 5m average usecs   D
avg_read_latency  5m average usecs   D
avg_write_latency 5m average usecs   D
other_ops 5m other_ops no_suffix   D
read_ops 5m rate no_suffix   D
write_ops 5m rate no_suffix   D



Counters for an individual LIF serving the ISCSI protocol

Counter Name Frequency Type Units Base Counter Category
avg_latency 5m average usecs cmd_transfered D
cmd_transfered 5m raw   no_suffix D
data_in_blocks 5m raw   no_suffix D
data_out_blocks 5m raw   no_suffix D
read_data 5m raw per_sec   D
write_data 5m rate per_sec   D
LIF Counters

 Counters for an individual LIF server NFS and CIFS and other NAS protocols

Counter Name Frequency Type Units Base Counter Category
recv_data 5m rate byte_per_sec   D
recv_errors 5m rate per_sec   D
recv_packets 5m rate per_sec   D
send_errors 5m rate per_sec   D
send_packets 5m rate per_sec   D
sent_data 5m rate byte_per_sec   D


LUN Counters

Counters for a LUN associated with a specific SVM

Counter Name Frequency Type Units Base Counter Category
avg_latency 5m average msecs total_ops P
avg_read_latency 5m average msecs read_ops D
avg_write_latency 5m average msecs write_ops D
other_ops 5m rate per_sec   D
read_data 5m rate byte_per_sec   D
read_ops 5m rate per_sec   D
read_partial_blocks 5m rate percent   D
total_ops 5m rate per_sec   P
write_data 5m rate byte_per_sec   D
write_ops 5m rate per_sec   D
write_partial_blocks 5m percent percent   D


NFSv3 Counters

The NFS version 3 protocol counters for the collection of NFS exports associated with a specific SVM

Counter Name Frequency Type Units Base Counter Category
nfsv3_ops 5m rate per_sec   D
nfsv3_read_ops 5m rate per_sec   D
nfsv3_read_throughput 5m rate per_sec   D
nfsv3_throughput 5m rate per_sec   D
nfsv3_write_ops 5m rate per_sec   D
nfsv3_write_throughput 5m rate per_sec   D
read_avg_latency 5m average usecs read_total D
read_total 5m delta no_suffix   D
write_avg_latency 5m average usecs read_total D
write_total 5m delta no_suffix   D


NFSv4 Counters

The NFS version 4 protocol counters for the collection of NFS exports associated with a specific SVM

Counter Name Frequency Type Units Base Counter Category
nfs4_ops 5m rate per_sec   P
nfs4_read_throughput 5m rate per_sec   D
nfs4_throughput 5m rate per_sec   P
nfs4_write_throughput 5m rate per_sec   D
read_avg_latency 5m average usecs read_total D
read_total (ops) 5m delta no_suffix   D
write_avg_latency 5m average usecs write_total D
write_total (ops) 5m delta no_suffix   D


NFS v4.1 Counters

The NFS version 4.1 protocol counters for the collection of NFS exports associated with a specific SVM

Counter Name Frequency Type Units Base Counter Category
nfs41_ops         P
nfs41_read_throughput         D
nfs41_throughput         P
nfs41_write_throughput         D
read_avg_latency 5m average usecs read_total D
read_total (ops) 5m delta no_suffix   D
write_avg_latency 5m average usecs write_total D
write_total (ops) 5m delta no_suffix   D


NIC Common

Counter for an individual Network Interface Card serving NFS, CIFS, HTTP, and other NAS protocols

Counter Name Frequency Type Units Base Counter Category
link_duplex config string no_suffix   R
link_flowcontrol config string no_suffix   R
link_speed config config raw no_suffix   R
rx_bytes_rate 5m rate per_sec   R
rx_errors_rate 5m rate per_sec   R
tx_bytes_rate 5m rate per_sec   R
tx_errors_rate 5m rate per_sec   R


System (Node) Counters

Counters for an individual node in a cluster

Counter Name Frequency Type Units Base Counter Category
avg_processor_busy 1m percent percent cpu_elapsed_time R
cifs_ops 1m rate per_sec   R
cpu_busy 1m percent percent cpu_elapsed_time R
cpu_elapsed_time 1m delta no_suffix   R
fcp_ops 1m rate per_sec   R
http_ops 1m rate per_sec   R
iscsi_ops 1m rate per_sec   R
net_data_recv 1m rate per_sec   R
net_data_sent 1m rate per_sec   R
nfs_ops 1m rate per_sec   R
other_ops 1m rate per_sec   R
partner_ops 1m rate per_sec   R
read_ops 1m rate per_sec   R
total_ops 1m rate per_sec   R
write_ops 1m rate per_sec   D
sys_avg_latency 1m average msecs total_ops R
sys_read_latency 1m average msecs read_ops D
sys_write_latency 1m average msecs write_ops D


Volume Counters 

Counters for a volume associated with a specific SVM:

Counter Name Frequency Type Units Base Counter Category
avg_latency 5m average usecs total_ops P
other_latency 5m average usecs other_ops D
other_ops 5m per_sec per_sec   D
read_latency 5m average usecs read_ops D
read_ops 5m per_sec per_sec   D
total_ops 5m per_sec per_sec   P
write_latency 5m average usecs write_ops D
write_ops 5m per_sec per_sec   D


Additional Information




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