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NetApp Knowledge Base

Encrypted volume creation fails when the primary clustered key server is unavailable

Last Updated:

Applies to

  • ONTAP 9.11.1+
  • Clustered external key servers


  • Volume creation fails with the following error via CLI:

cluster1::*> volume create -vserver vskm -volume test -aggregate cluster1_02_SSD_1 -size 1GB -encrypt true
[Job 234] Initializing
Error: command failed: [Job 234] Job failed: Failed to create the volume on node "cluster1-02". Reason: Request timed out. Cannot generate encryption key. Use the "security key-manager external show-status" command to verify that the network configuration is correct and the key manager servers are reachable.

  • Volume creation fails via System Manager snapmirror create which cause snapmirror initialize to fail via CLI
   cluster1::> snapmirror initialize -source-path <svm>:<vol> -destination-path <svm>:<vol_dest> -type XDP -policy DPDefault
   Error: command failed: Failed to fetch status information for volume "<svm>:<vol>". The failure can be attributed to 
   either the volume being restricted, offline, infrastructure timeouts or memory allocation failures. 
   (An operation gathering information on the relationship with destination "<svm>:<vol_dest>" failed.).
  • Volume creation also fails via System Manager with the following error:

Complete: Error modifying volume "test" in Vserver "vskm": Modification not permitted. Unable to determine the state of the volume. This can be because of network connectivity problems or the volume is busy. [65995564]

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