"Collector not reporting" alert on Element cluster due to SSL certificate check
Applies to
- NetApp Element software 11.3 or later
- Management node (mNode) Element 11.3 or later
The following issues are observed after upgrading an existing mNode to 11.3 or above or deploying a new mNode, or network changing.
- Collector is not reporting to NetApp Solidfire Active IQ
- mNode docker logs report the following errors:
"Jul 21 2019 06:18:24.55 ERROR FAILED to fetch ListAPIMethodsToFetch : (35) LibreSSL SSL_connect: SSL_ERROR_SSL in connection to monitoring.solidfire.com:443 ",
"Jul 21 2019 06:18:24.55 ERROR Error parsing result for ListAPIMethodsToFetch : No JSON object could be decoded",