MetroCluster high write latency command timeout on disk device errors
Applies to
- MetroCluster FC
- ATTO 7500N FibreBridge
- MetroCluster clients are experiencing slow performance due to high write latency.
- Disk device timeout and command aborted by host adapter errors are continuously generated in the event logs:
fci.device.quiesce:debug: Adapter 1a encountered a command timeout on disk device sw01:8.126 (0x01090810) LUN 1013 cdb 0x47:30e3ec01:0700 retry: 0 Quiescing the device
scsi.cmd.abortedByHost: Disk device sw01:8.126L1023: Command aborted by host adapter: HA status 0x4: cdb 0x28:d12f4ff8:0003
- ATTO fibrebridge Fibre Channel (FC) port offline and connected errors are continuously generated in the event logs:
fc.bridge.fc.port.alert: Fibre Channel FibreBridge7500N Bridge ATTO_2000001023a45670 S/N: FB7500N101234 WWN: 2000001086a12340 FC Port FC_PORT1 offline.
fc.bridge.fc.port.notice: Fibre Channel FibreBridge7500N Bridge ATTO_2000001023a45670 S/N: FB7500N101234 WWN: 2000001086a12340 FC Port FC_PORT1 connected