FC-VI adapter: Discarded a received frame because of a receive frame error
Applies to
- Fabric-attached MetroCluster
- EMS reports
Discarded a received frame because of a receive frame error
[Node-A: ispfcvi2500_main4: fcvi.qlgc.FrameDiscardErr:error]: FC-VI adapter: Discarded a received frame because of a receive frame error. Port 0f, QP name = WAFL, QP index = 4, exchange ID 0x1a5, address offset 0xa000, remote node's system id = xxxxxxx.
- The FCVI port may be reset due to the receive frame errors:
[Node-A: ispfcvi2500_main2: fcvi.qlgc.receive.error:error]: FC-VI adapter: Received bad frame on port 0f. Mailbox-1 = 520, Mailbox-2 = 324. Resetting the port.
[Node-A: ispfcvi2500_port2: fcvi.update.link.state:notice]: FC-VI adapter: Physical link is down on port 0f.
[Node-A: fcvi_reset_proc: callhome.mcc.fcvi.reset:notice]: Call home for METROCLUSTER FCVI RESET
[Node-A: ispfcvi2500_port2: fcvi.update.link.state:notice]: FC-VI adapter: Physical link is up on port 0f.
- The output of
command reports a lot ofenc in, enc out, crc err, crc g_eof, bad e0f
andlink fail
errors on the ISL port:
SwitchA:admin> porterrshow
porterrshow :
frames enc crc crc too too bad enc disc link loss loss frjt fbsy c3timeout pcs uncor
tx rx in err g_eof shrt long eof out c3 fail sync sig tx rx err err
40: 317.6g 404.5g 2.8k 2.5k 2.5k 1 0 56 151.2k 120 51.4k 0 3 0 0 0 51 0 0
41: 462.1g 544.0g 0 0 0 0 0 0 3.3k 298 1 0 3 0 0 0 128 0 0