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NetApp Knowledge Base

Do both clusters in a MetroCluster have to run the same effective cluster version?

Last Updated:


Applies to

  • Ontap 9
  • MetroCluster
  • Upgrade / Downgrade


  • Both clusters in a MetroCluster have to run the same effective cluster version.
  • To verify that both clusters are running the same release, run the version command on the system:

ClusterA::> version
NetApp Release 9.5P10: Fri Dec 13 16:01:45 UTC 2019

  • To verify that all nodes in the system are running the same release issue the following command on each cluster:

ClusterA::> set advanced

ClusterA::*> system image show

                 Is      Is                                Install
Node     Image   Default Current Version                   Date
-------- ------- ------- ------- ------------------------- -------------------
         image1  true    true    9.5P10                    1/20/2020 14:06:06
         image2  false   false   9.5P7                     11/27/2019 11:50:14
         image1  false   false   9.5P7                     11/27/2019 11:50:20
         image2  true    true    9.5P10                    1/20/2020 14:06:12
4 entries were displayed.

  • To resolve this issue, upgrade all nodes to run the same version.


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