"DISK REDUNDANCY FAILED" alerts reporting due to remote drives missing in Fabric Metrocluster
Applies to
- FABOS greater than 8.2.1b
- nscamshow displays
:No entry is found!
- All ISL are up
- Nodes are missing remote disks due to loss of one or more paths and reports the below EMS events,
[?] Thu Jan 14 13:46:08 CET [Node-A: svc_queue_thread: callhome.dsk.redun.fault:error]: Call home for DISK REDUNDANCY FAILED
- Brocade switches shows no remote devices from
nscamshow -t
command output and also sometimes the zone reports fabric is busy,
nscamshow -t :
nscam show for remote switches:
No entry is found!
zoneshow --peerzone all :
The Fabric is busy, try again later.
cfgshow --verbose :
The Fabric is busy, try again later.
zoneshow --validate ,2 :
The Fabric is busy, try again later.