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NetApp Knowledge Base

XCP SMB sync command deletes all files and folders on target

Last Updated:

Applies to

  • NetApp XCP SMB
  • SMB


When xcp sync command is run , it deletes all the files on target and may replace them with 0KB files.
Lab Example
  • SRC : \\\c$\src\tuabldgd\bay19
XCP SMB sync command deletes all files and folders on target
  • After XCP COPY 
C:\NetApp\Latest xcp19\xcp\windows>xcp.exe copy -root -acl -fallback-user administrator -fallback-group "domain admins" \\\c$\src\tuabldgd\bay19 \\\c$\tgt
XCP SMB 1.9.1; (c) 2023 NetApp, Inc.; Licensed to Vijay Ramamurthy [NetApp Inc] until Sun May 21 04:34:40 2023
16 scanned, 0 matched, 0 skipped, 12 copied, 61.0MiB (11.5MiB/s), 0 errors, 5s, 14 acls copied
xcp.exe copy -root -acl -fallback-user administrator -fallback-group domain admins \\\c$\src\tuabldgd\bay19 \\\c$\tgt
16 scanned, 0 matched, 0 skipped, 15 copied, 118MiB (15.3MiB/s), 0 errors, 16 acls copied
Total Time : 7s
Sending statistics...
  • TGT : \\\c$\tgt
XCP SMB sync command deletes all files and folders on target
  • After XCP SYNC :
C:\NetApp\Latest xcp19\xcp\windows>xcp.exe sync -root -acl -fallback-user administrator -fallback-group "domain admins" \\\c$\src\tuabldgd\bay19 \\\c$\tgt
XCP SMB 1.9.1; (c) 2023 NetApp, Inc.; Licensed to Vijay Ramamurthy [NetApp Inc] until Sun May 21 04:34:40 2023
Root folder skipped: "". Administrative Share was used.
failed to remove from target "": [Errno 13] A device attached to the system is not functioning: '\\\\?\\UNC\\\\c$\\tgt'
xcp.exe sync -root -acl -fallback-user administrator -fallback-group domain admins \\\c$\src\tuabldgd\bay19 \\\c$\tgt
32 scanned, 0 copied, 31 compared, 0 skipped, 0 removed, 1 errors, 0 acls copied
Total Time : 1s
Sending statistics...
  • All data is deleted in Target after sync
XCP SMB sync command deletes all files and folders on target
  • XCP Verify fails and shows that junction-path is used 

C:\NetApp\Latest xcp19\xcp\windows>xcp verify -ll \\\c$\src\tuabldgd\bay19 \\\c$\tgt -noatime -nomtime -noctime
XCP SMB 1.9.1; (c) 2023 NetApp, Inc.; Licensed to Vijay Ramamurthy [NetApp Inc] until Sun May 21 04:34:40 2023
LDAPS.cer: Changed (file missing)
ChromeSetup.exe: Changed (file missing)
folder3: Changed (file missing)
folder1\NTAPshark-win64-3.0.4-preben-20190913.exe: Changed (file missing)
folder1\ChromeSetup.exe: Changed (file missing)
folder1: Changed (file missing)
folder2\folder1\NTAPshark-win64-3.0.4-preben-20190913.exe: Changed (file missing)
folder2\folder1\ChromeSetup.exe: Changed (file missing)
folder2\folder1: Changed (file missing)
folder2: Changed (file missing)
folder5\sample.txt: Changed (file missing)
folder5\.test1.txt.swp: Changed (file missing)
folder5\.test1.txt.swo: Changed (file missing)
folder5\test.txt: Changed (file missing)
folder5: Changed (file missing)
<root>: Changed (type, reparse_point, ownership)
    - directory
    + junction
    - BUILTIN\Administrators
    + NASLAB\administrator
  file attributes (+1)
xcp verify -ll \\\c$\src\tuabldgd\bay19 \\\c$\tgt -noatime -nomtime -noctime
17 scanned, 16 compared, 0 same, 1 different, 15 missing, 0 errors
Total Time : 4s
Sending statistics...

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