ONTAP System Manager reports initiators not logged into one node after switchback
Applies to
- ONTAP 9.12.1P4, 9.14.1P6
- 4-node MetroCluster
- FC
- After planned switchover/switchback, System Manager reports
Node "node2" has no logged-in initiators.
- Specific initiators report they are only connected to LIF of one node:
- Over CLI, initiators show
to LIF which shows not connected in GUI:
vserver fcp ping-initiator show -vserver svm_windows -wwpn 21:00:34:80:0d:12:34:56 -lif lif4 -node node2
Vserver: svm_windows
Remote WWPN: 21:00:34:80:0d:12:34:56
LIF Name: lif4
Node: node2
Ping Status: reachable
Extended Status: wwpn-logged-in
- Initiators also show logged into the LIF with
vserver fcp initiator show
Logical Port Initiator Initiator
Vserver Interface Address WWNN WWPN Igroup
--------- ----------------- -------- ------------ ------------ ---------------
svm_windows lif4 20800 20:00:34:80:0d:3d:31:66 21:00:34:80:0d:12:34:56 igroup1, Igroup2
- When a LIF is bounced, EMS reports initiators logging into the node, but the GUI still reports the same issue:
[node2: fct_tpd_work_thread_0: scsitarget.fct.portLogin:notice]: Login at target FC port: '0h' by initiator port: '21:00:34:80:0d:12:34:56' address 0x20800. The target virtual port is: 'NetApp FC Target Port (8324) svm_windows:lif4'.
- Windows shows all expected paths to both nodes with
mpclaim.exe --v c:\multipathconfig.txt
Path ID State SCSI Address Weight
0000000077050005 Active/Optimized 005|000|005|005 0
TPG_State: Active/Optimized , TPG_Id: 1003, TP_Id: 12
Adapter: QLogic Fibre Channel Adapter... (B|D|F: 134|000|000)
Controller: 46616B65436F6E74726F6C6C6572 (State: Active)
0000000077050004 Active/Unoptimized 005|000|004|005 0
TPG_State: Active/Unoptimized, TPG_Id: 1002, TP_Id: 10
Adapter: QLogic Fibre Channel Adapter... (B|D|F: 134|000|000)
Controller: 46616B65436F6E74726F6C6C6572 (State: Active)
0000000077040001 Active/Optimized 004|000|001|005 0
TPG_State: Active/Optimized , TPG_Id: 1003, TP_Id: 11
Adapter: QLogic Fibre Channel Adapter... (B|D|F: 094|000|000)
Controller: 46616B65436F6E74726F6C6C6572 (State: Active)
0000000077040000 Active/Unoptimized 004|000|000|005 0
TPG_State: Active/Unoptimized, TPG_Id: 1002, TP_Id: 9
Adapter: QLogic Fibre Channel Adapter... (B|D|F: 094|000|000)
Controller: 46616B65436F6E74726F6C6C6572 (State: Active)