Long distance ISLs via 100G muxponder will not form trunk
Applies to
- 100G muxponder
- Brocade switches
- Long-distance ISLs via 100G muxponder will not form trunk in Brocade switch
admin> islshow
1: 0-> 0 10:00:d8:1f:xx:xx:xx:xx 8 remote_switch sp: 8.000G bw: 8.000G TRUNK CR_RECOV
2: 1-> 1 10:00:d8:1f:xx:xx:xx:xx 8 remote_switch sp: 8.000G bw: 8.000G TRUNK CR_RECOV
admin> trunkshow
1: 0-> 0 10:00:d8:1f:xx:xx:xx:xx 8 deskew 0 E-Port MASTER
2: 1-> 1 10:00:d8:1f:xx:xx:xx:xx 8 deskew 0 E-Port MASTER
admin> trunkdebug 0, 1
port 0 and 1 can't trunk due to one of the following reasons:
ports are not same speed or valid speed
ports are not same long distance mode
local or remote ports are not in same port group
difference between links length is greater than allowed
- On a correctly formed trunk, the output is similar to this:
admin> trunkshow
1: 0-> 0 10:00:d8:1f:xx:xx:xx:xx 8 deskew 0 E-Port MASTER
1-> 1 10:00:d8:1f:xx:xx:xx:xx 8 deskew 0 E-Port