Link break detected on Fibre Channel target connected to Brocade switch due to faulty storage end sfp
Applies to
- Brocade Switch
log on NetApp end reports a link reset event, where the link went down and came back up within 5 seconds.
Wed Feb 14 14:52:15 +0530 [NetApp1: fct_tpd_work_thread_0: scsitarget.slifct.linkBreak:error]: Link break detected on Fibre Channel target HBA 2c with event status 1 , topology type 1, status1 0x0, status2 0x0.
Wed Feb 14 14:52:20 +0530 [NetApp1: fct_tpd_work_thread_0: scsitarget.hwpfct.linkUp:notice]: Link up on Fibre Channel target adapter 2c.
- Tx and Rx power on the storage port are well within the recommended range:
Fibre Channel Target Adapter 2c
Received Optical Power - 996.9 (uWatts)
SFP Transmitted Optical Power - 992.0 (uWatts)
- There are no other FCP events reported on the storage end around the issue time.
- Certain scenorios, where Tx on the lower range:
JxA-NxAxF::> network fcp adapter show -fields sfp-tx-power
node adapter sfp-tx-power
---------------- ------- --------------
JxA-NxAxFxx02 0e 177.7 (uWatts)
- The connected switch port does not report any errors reported under
/fabos/cliexec/porterrshow :
frames enc crc crc too too bad enc disc link loss loss frjt fbsy c3timeout pcs uncor
tx rx in err g_eof shrt long eof out c3 fail sync sig tx rx err err
75: 242.2k 398.3k 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
- The state of the switch port is up and online.
/fabos/bin/switchshow :
Index Slot Port Address Media Speed State Proto
75 9 11 654bxx id N32 Online FC F-Port 1 N Port + 1 NPIV public
does not have any such erroneous events reported during the issue time.Frame timeout detected
for the storage connected switch port
2024/09/20-02:37:58, [AN-1014], 434931, FID 128, INFO, Jx_G720_x, Frame timeout detected, tx port 25 rx port 6, sid 3xx00, did 3xx02, timestamp 2024-09-20 02:37:58
output shows the switch port connected to the affected storage port encountered a reset.
Switch 0; Wed Feb 14 14:51:40 2024 IST (GMT+5:30)
14:51:40.025111 SCN Port Offline;rsn=0x2,g=0x6a D0,P0 D0,P0 75 NA
14:51:40.025118 *Removing all nodes from port D0,P0 D0,P0 75 NA
14:51:44.795477 SCN LR_PORT(0);g=0x6a D0,P0 D0,P0 75 NA
14:51:44.858285 SCN Port Online; g=0x6a,isolated=0 D0,P0 D0,P1 75 NA
14:51:44.858365 Port Elp engaged D0,P1 D0,P0 75 NA
14:51:44.858377 *Removing all nodes from port D0,P0 D0,P0 75 NA
14:51:44.858608 SCN Port F_PORT D0,P1 D0,P0 75 NA
14:51:44.968592 SCN LR_PORT(0);g=0x6a LR_IN D0,P0 D0,P0 75 NA
- Sfp Tx power looks very good on the switch end, which tells us that the switch sfp is in a good condition.
- The Rx power is very low ((572.5uW)compared to the Tx power (1238.9 uW) on the switch end.
Slot 9/Port 11:
RX Power: -2.4 dBm (572.5uW)
TX Power: 0.9 dBm (1238.9 uW)
- Whereas, the storage end Tx power is SFP Transmitted Optical Power - 992.0 (uWatts)
- This tells us that the issue lies somewhere upstream to the switch, which could be the cable or end device sfp ( NetApp storage in this scenario).
- Cable testing needs to be performed to further isolate if the issue is faulty cable.
- If the cable is good, then sfp on end device connected to switch has to be swapped.