What is new in ONTAP 9.8 Shared Memory Implementation for FPolicy?
Applies to
- ONTAP 9.8
- Fpolicy
- Netapp dramatically improved Fpolicy performance in 9.8 and above releases by implementing a new Shared Memory Implementation for Fpolicy
- This change improved internal ONTAP Fpolicy performance by allowing ONTAP to be able to process more inbound IOPS processing when Fpolicy is enabled
- When Fpolicy is enabled, this new implementation helps to avoid performance degradation for NFS and CIFS workloads both on throughput and latency
- Due to these improvements it's important to ensure FPolicy servers are properly sized for your environment
- Consult with FPolicy Vendor Documentation and Best Practices to ensure that Fpolicy Servers are properly sized
- What are the FPolicy partner solutions for ONTAP?
- Verify before upgrading post 9.8 that your systems do not experience frequent EAGAINS
- Due to these improvements it's important to ensure FPolicy servers are properly sized for your environment
Additional Information
High sustained latency after ONTAP upgrade to 9.8 and above due to FPolicy EAGAIN