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NetApp Knowledge Base

What is new in ONTAP 9.8 Shared Memory Implementation for FPolicy?

Last Updated:

Applies to

  • ONTAP 9.8
  • Fpolicy


  • Netapp dramatically improved Fpolicy performance in 9.8 and above releases by implementing a new Shared Memory Implementation for Fpolicy
  • This change improved internal ONTAP Fpolicy performance by allowing ONTAP to be able to process more inbound IOPS processing when Fpolicy is enabled
  • When Fpolicy is enabled, this new implementation helps to avoid performance degradation for NFS and CIFS workloads both on throughput and latency
    • Due to these improvements it's important to ensure FPolicy servers are properly sized for your environment
    • Verify before upgrading post 9.8 that your systems do not experience frequent EAGAINS


Ensure send buffer is increased to 1 MB minimum or more


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